Please Donate to Save the Bilby Fund

The future of the Greater bilby is at stake, and your urgent help is needed to answer three critical questions.

Where bilbies are persisting in the wild, where they aren’t, and why.


Right now, we’re largely in the dark, but that’s starting to change. That’s because back in 2022 incredible people like you helped buy and install 100 specialist wildlife cameras. They’re now giving us eyes on 1,200 km2 in far-western Queensland. 

It’s a great start, but bilbies are estimated to be found over an area of around 60,000km2, so we’re seeing no more than 2% of the whole picture. We urgently need to expand into areas with different characteristics – for example, land where there’s livestock grazing and predators present and land where there are none. 

Please will you help buy and install 70 new specialist wildlife cameras that will double the area we’re monitoring?

You’ll help us observe and understand the density of predators and their impact on wild bilbies, as well as environmental factors. We need to understand what is affecting wild bilby populations, and fast.​​​​​​​

That’s because in the future we could be releasing bilbies to increase genetic diversity in the wild, and it’s vital they have the best possible chance of making it on their own. 

Our goal is to raise $152,000 before 30 June. Our first cameras are already sending us surprising results. We need to expand into new areas without delay so we have a valid comparison across a bigger sample. 

A tax-effective gift could play a vital role in helping us understand the bigger picture, and take the next step forward to secure the future of the Greater Bilby. 

Your gift could: 

  • Help buy the support kit to get a camera up and running, including 12AA battery packs, image software and 512GB memory cards to store the images. 
  • Go towards buying one of the new specialised wildlife cameras, helping to double our monitoring area. 
  • Help send our team of scientists out into far-western Queensland to install and maintain the new outdoor cameras.
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Our Goal: ${{{bar.goal}}}

We've Raised: ${{{bar.raised}}}


Please help us buy and install 70 new specialist wildlife cameras in two new sites!


We are at {{{bar.percent}}}% of our goal.

The future of the Greater bilby is at stake, and your urgent help is needed to answer three critical questions.

Where bilbies are persisting in the wild, where they aren’t, and why.

Right now, we’re largely in the dark, but that’s starting to change. That’s because back in 2022 incredible people like you helped buy and install 100 specialist wildlife cameras. They’re now giving us eyes on 1,200 km2 in far-western Queensland. 

It’s a great start, but bilbies are estimated to be found over an area of around 60,000km2, so we’re seeing no more than 2% of the whole picture. We urgently need to expand into areas with different characteristics – for example, land where there’s livestock grazing and predators present and land where there are none. 

Please will you help buy and install 70 new specialist wildlife cameras that will double the area we’re monitoring?

You’ll help us observe and understand the density of predators and their impact on wild bilbies, as well as environmental factors. We need to understand what is affecting wild bilby populations, and fast.​​​​​​​

That’s because in the future we could be releasing bilbies to increase genetic diversity in the wild, and it’s vital they have the best possible chance of making it on their own. 

Our goal is to raise $152,000 before 30 June. Our first cameras are already sending us surprising results. We need to expand into new areas without delay so we have a valid comparison across a bigger sample. 

A tax-effective gift could play a vital role in helping us understand the bigger picture, and take the next step forward to secure the future of the Greater Bilby. 

Your gift could: 

  • Help buy the support kit to get a camera up and running, including 12AA battery packs, image software and 512GB memory cards to store the images. 
  • Go towards buying one of the new specialised wildlife cameras, helping to double our monitoring area. 
  • Help send our team of scientists out into far-western Queensland to install and maintain the new outdoor cameras.

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Give $25

The bilby has survived 20 million years only to be pushed to the brink in recent years. Your help is urgently needed to secure the future of this little battler.

Give $50

Wildlife cameras can see what we can’t see, in conditions humans can’t endure for long. Our sites resemble the surface of Mars and temperatures push 50°C.

Give $75

Our existing cameras on two sites are revealing which locations predators like feral cats are inhabiting. With your help, we’ll soon start to fully understand what impact this is having on the bilbies.​​​​​​​

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